Sunday, August 30, 2009

ok, ok....zach & i

so i have been getting some grief from a few of you about why i haven't mentioned zach more. well...first off...i haven't had much time to get online with work & school. secondly, when i have had time, my internet hasn't been working. my landlords say that it should be all fixed now...we shall see. anyway. today is sunday & i have time to catch you all up on the happenings in my life. i shall start with 2 weeks ago. the week went fairly quickly with work & school. zach came up to salt lake to see me wednesday & we had a lunch/dinner date. we had sandwiches in the park. and saturday was the super service activity. zach came up and we helped paint the railings around the church. other people were doing other things around the building & more deep cleaning the interior. it was a lot of fun. i am sure most people were amazed that i actually had a huge smile on my face. (i don't really talk to or know many people in my ward so i don't really break out into my usual self.) anyways, it was a lot of fun. it was really a fun weekend.
now onto this past week. school has been going fairly well. i feel behind though. class is only 3 &1/2 hours long monday-thursday. each night is a different class, and each week the classes change up a bit. we only get to see & hear things once, and that makes it a bit difficult to remember & then use later in class. i am excited for our tables to come in. i ordered the forest green table. not that it matters because the table will be covered with sheets, but on occasion, when it is a quick massage (like rodeos) where the clients stay robed. on wednesday, zach came up to salt lake again. we had another lunch/dinner date. this time we had sushi in the park. it was really good. zach got a salmon roll something, and i got a crab roll something.
then this weekend i went down to springville and zach and i went hiking. we hiked squaw peak. it was hard, and my gluteus maximus is extremely sore. the entire hike took us about 4 hours round trip. the view of utah lake was quite pretty. posted below are pictures. so all in all...zach & i are dating. we are going good places. i really like him a lot, and he really likes me. we are extremely happy and excited to see where the possibilities of an us will take us. i am putting a disclaimer here....we had just hiked 2 and a half please excuse the sweaty red face of mine. thanks ;)

Monday, August 17, 2009

weekend happenings

so i went to provo friday after work. zach & i went camping at hobble creek. it rained on us. and i got unfortunately i am sick. not sick enough to miss work & definitely not school, but my nose won't stop running. we went back to zach's apartment saturday morning & made breakfast. then we went shopping for more black dress pants for me for school. we found two great pairs that zach approves of. he says i look really good in them. the best part...they were on sale and i spent a lot less that i was expecting. so yippie i have more school clothes. and then we took a nap because neither of us slept extremely well friday night. i did take a benadryl friday cause my allergies were going crazy, so i slept better than i thought, but i still woke up a few times freezing from what zach tells me. i don't really remember...drugs in the system... anyways... then we went to my friend eddy's wedding reception in draper. everyone was asking zach & i if we were married. um, no...we are just dating. i already told zach if he even mentions that he is ring shopping or thinking marriage before a year, my answer will be no. maybe that is mean, but i see no reason to rush anything. he agrees. after the reception, i had to take zach back to provo so he could get on the road for hurricane. (that is where he is from). he left yesterday afternoon on vacation with his family to california. he will be back later this week. i get to see him for sure saturday. he is coming up to help with the service project for my ward and then we are maybe having a bon fire. i am excited. i just hope this stupid head cold will be gone.
school is going well. there are still stupid people in my class that annoy me. and as it turns out, i am not the only one annoyed. i have found at least 4 others who feel the same way i do. it is only a matter of time before they weed themselves out. tonight is just lecture, and hopefully i will be able not to sniff sniff sniff all through class. i took dayquil twice at work and once when i got home. i will take it again before class & maybe once on break during class. either way, i hope i can stay attentive and not go completely crazy sniffling.
i am excited for labor day. i don't have class that monday, so lis, zach & i are thinking a road trip somewhere close so it doesn't cost a whole lot would be tons of fun. we shall see what happens. i am thinking either river trip or moab or even just camping...timpanogos maybe. either way, i am excited & it will be tons of fun. no stupid people invited :) only the good ones. and now i am going to go eat something before i drive down to slc for class.

Friday, August 14, 2009

quick update

school has officially started. i have been in for 2 weeks now. i am loving it, but really hating stupid people. oh well, i will live and they will weed themselves out of class. zach & i are officially dating as boyfriend/girlfriend. he is truly a great guy that comes highly recommended by 2 of my very close friends. i trust their opinions and have good feelings about zach & myself. he is wonderful. last weekend he came up and we spent saturday together. zach made breakfast (cinnamon french toast) and it was delicious. then we went to the dinosaur park in north ogden. it is really a fun little interesting place. after the dinosaurs, we went to TGIFs for lunch. i ordered a really yummy wrap and zach ordered mini burger things. unfortunately something in my food made my stomach hate me. zach thinks there may have been pepperoni in it. erin was kind enough to finish my leftovers i brought home so i didn't dissect it to find out for sure. i just know that i won't be getting the wrap unless i have some stomach medicine handy. zach was sweet and asked what he could do to help me feel better. he is really very observant & attentive. i like it! and then mary & collin came over and we had a picnic type dinner in the back yard and played monopoly (zach won) and pounce. it was a lot of fun.
this past sunday i had a work party. after i got out of church, i called zach. we talked for a bit when he asked what i had planned for the rest of the day. i didn't even have to ask him to come all the way from provo just for a stupid work party for me. he offered to come because i mentioned that they said i could bring someone. i told him that i was ok if he didn't come, but that i would like to have his company. zach is amazing. and wednesday we met before i had to go to class and we had a picnic in the park. i like him. and i am excited for this weekend because i am going down to provo to see him and spend the day. saturday night i have a wedding reception in draper and zach asked if i wanted him to come with me. of course i want him to come with me, but i understand if he doesn't want to go to a wedding reception for someone he doesn't know. but he said he will come.
school is going fairly well. i am learning a ton. anatomy is making sense for the first time in how many classes of it i have been through. we learned our first massage stroke on tuesday. we also ordered our massage tables. i am soooo excited for them to come in. i got the forest green one. it is really pretty. not that it truly matters because there will be sheets on the table, but hey...ya never know. i can't wait until they come in and i can use my table and practice what i learned in class. any volunteers?... i know my list is getting kinda long... oh well. take advantage of a free massage while you can. (i can't charge or accept tips as a student) and that is a quick update. it is late and i need sleep. and i don't know when i will be back on since my life is work & school & zach now. i will try when i can to keep everyone updated.

Friday, August 7, 2009

it has been a busy week

my date with zach was really a lot of fun. he drove up from provo. then we went ice skating at the ice sheet. zach hadn't eaten anything all day so we only skated for about an hour. it was ok though cause i was frozen at this point. we then went to the rice garden chinese restaurant inside simth's. it is take out so we went to a park and ate. zach & i just talked and talked and talked. and he discovered very quickly that i am extremely ticklish. even though i was laughing, i wish i could not be as ticklish as i am...esp when i start getting tickled cause it only gets worse. i become even more jumpy and one doesn't even have to ouch me to make me jump. zach enjoyed himself at my expense. time flies when you are having fun. the sun set on us so we had to leave the park. we came back to my place and watched mr. & mrs. smith. then it was time for zach to leave cause he still had to drive back to provo. we have talked everyday this week and he is coming back up tomorrow for a double date with mary & her date.
monday i started back to school. actually i started a new school. i am now officially attending UCMT. i am a massage therapist practitioner! monday was orientation and professional development. tuesday was anatomy. wednesday was massage basics. and thursday was the second massage basics class. i am really excited about learning and performing massage. my class right now has 54 students. i know this may be bad to say, but i hope that some drop out...esp the ones that have been disruptive so far. i know i am there to learn and study, but i wonder why other people bother coming if they are just going to interrupt the teacher with inappropriate comments and talking out of turn. anyways...the year i am sure will go quickly. i will let you all know when my clinical days are. hopefully you can come and see me. massages at the school only cost the public $25 and you don't tip because we can't accept them as students. and this weekend, if you get the chance, massages are 2 for 1. so you pay $25 for 2 people. go get a massage! they are sooooo good for you and your health!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

i wonder why

i really do have the worst luck ever. i am trying, really, to stay upbeat and positive, but it gets so hard. today i got up and went to go get my tires rotated since i don't know when they were last rotated. i know that i've put a few miles on them, so i figured it is about time. well, i ended up having to buy 4 new tires. the tread on two of mine were just awful. in fact, the les schwab guy was surprised that i had no complaints on how my jeep was driving. he said that i should have had shaking and that braking should have been funny as well. ok, he didn't phrase it that way. the one tire was down to the warning tread. the other tire had a very weird wear pattern. i was going to just get two tires, but with a 4-wheel drive, it is best to get 4. the other two would only have lasted probably another month before they were down to warning tread. i am glad i went in, but UGH!!! 4 new tires! that is a lot of money. at least now i have the les schwab promise to fix flats, free rotations, and all that jazz. and at least they didn't treat me like i didn't know what i was talking about. and they put new caps on my tire stems. the last place that checked my tire pressure didn't put the caps back on. this is a very bad thing! it can freeze in the winter and get debris in it in the summer causing the tire pressure measurement to be off. this in turn causes your tire pressure light on the dash to malfunction. this costs a lot more money to fix.
then i went to get my jeep washed. the car wash misread where my jeep was. causing my time to expire. so i went inside to get another car wash. i got my jeep lined up, but then the car wash hit my bike and stopped working. so i went back inside and got another car wash, took my bike off, and went through. thankfully i only had to pay for one wash. but half of my jeep got soap twice. my undercarriage got soap 3 times. and my jeep doesn't look clean enough for me, but it is clean. so after 3 times through the car wash, my jeep looks ok.
when i got home after all of this, i took a shower and when i put my favorite jeans on, they split down the crotch. thankfully i can sew. and i hope my repair job works. i have to wonder what else is going to go wrong. i am laughing at my stupid dumb luck. really though, can i just have a rope or something? i just am hoping that tonight will be tons of fun and goes well. i have a date with zach. we are going ice skating. maybe i can break a leg or something since i don't have health insurance anymore. my dad forgot to fax the paperwork i asked him for. and now i've missed the deadline. so i have to wait until january to get health insurance. let's pray if something happens to me that it is in my jeep...where i am insured. anyway... i just wonder why. and now i am going to go get ready for my date.