Tuesday, February 17, 2009

valentine's bon fire

lis had a bon fire at her house on saturday night. it was a lot of fun. the roads were solid ice, but other than that, the few people who showed had a great time. the people who came were eric, chan, mary, steve, lis and me. i made a great fire, even if it took a little bit to get started cause the kindling was wet....and some of the wood we used was wet too.... oh well. we roasted chocolate vanilla marshmallows and made smores. they were quite yummy! and then we put the fire out with snow. we went inside and watched adam sandler in billy madison. then i drove back to my place on the icy roads. i should have just spent the night at lis' and then i wouldn't have had to drive back to north ogden for church sunday. oh well. nothing really very exciting has happened since saturday. i went running yesterday. i need to start running everyday. the marathon is getting closer and i am still not quite ready. this week should be pretty good. tomorrow is ad day, so i will be up at 2am to be to work at 3am. yuck, but the job won't do itself. thursday i am going to attempt to go snowboarding. the ward is having a ski/snowboard night at wolf mountain and i have been told that i am going. we shall see how many times i can actually stay up. i am sure a great majority of the time will be spent on my face, butt, and back. hopefully i won't break anything,,,esp my bones. then friday is another date night. we are so far planning on doing a pajama date and i am cooking dinner. that's all we have at the moment. yikes! saturday will be a day of cleaning my apartment, doing laundry, and getting in a 10 mile run. not sure where i am running yet, or if the weather will cooperate. i was going to run today, but the snow kept me from outside, and i didn't want to drive to the gym. i will have to make up for it tomorrow. i am ending it now cause i should try and go to sleep. pictures will be posted shortly.

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