Monday, September 29, 2008

monday, monday...

Today was not a bad day. My internet is fixed. YAY! I woke up on time, got to work, work went pretty fast, hopefully I didn't mess too many things up... heard my boss' surgery went well, went to FHE with Lisa's ward, went to the gym, and ate fabulous Tortilla Strip Soup! So I may or may not join Lisa's ward. They are pretty fun. At least I had a good time tonight. Maybe it was because the other Lisa and I were there. Lisa would have been too, but she had to work. BLAH! Anyway, the other Lisa and I felt bad she missed all our good fun. So after FHE, and after the gym, we took Lisa flowers at work. Lisa then 'twisted' my arm so we stayed for dinner. I got the Tortilla Strip Soup again. It is seriously life changing. and really she didn't have to twist my arm to get me to stay. The other Lisa took my word and also got the soup. She agrees with me that it is life changing. We also ordered the chocolate cake for dessert. I didn't get a before picture...cause I forgot, but here is the after. and yes, it was THAT good! PS. this is the other Lisa. and that is her name...the other Lisa. Ok really I know it's confusing so here is a picture of the 3 of us from the football game a few weeks ago. and from left to right is; Lisa, the other Lisa, and me. Today was a good day. oh, and because my boss' surgery went well, I should see her Wednesday at work. Hooray! and on a final note...IRON MAN comes out on DVD tomorrow!!!

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